the military overthrow Maduro

Will a similar scenario unfold in Venezuela? Will the military overthrow Maduro and potentially install a new group of Chicago Boys? This remains the crucial question. However, given the current situation, such an event is unlikely. High-ranking military officials have strong ties to the Chavista government, and many of them are implicated in the v

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Although government statistics

According to official Venezuelan government data, the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 5.5% in 2023 and even 9% in 2024. Although government statistics may not be entirely reliable, there is no doubt that certain positive shifts have occurred. GDP growth is attributed to increased oil production, the recovery of certain economic sec

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Burckhardt noted that a merchant

Burckhardt noted that a merchant could traverse the Arabian Peninsula alone with complete safety, and that the Bedouins slept without fear of nighttime thieves targeting their livestock and possessions. Burckhardt wrote about the personal guards of the imam, known as the Munqiya, who were recognized as some of the bravest knights of the Arabian Pen

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emissions would increase poverty

Redistributing carbon tax revenue to support those disproportionately affected, especially as the taxes ramp up over time, will also help soften the blow. A 2022 study by the German Institute of Development and Sustainability estimated that a carbon tax of US$50 per tonne of emissions would increase poverty by 20 per cent in South Asia without reve

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increasingly attractive to foreign

a plan to introduce Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) corporate governance standards across the numerous state-run arms companies under its control, to enforce transparent management practices and make them increasingly attractive to foreign investments. The steps mentioned above are undoubtedly helping to develop and exp

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